Monday, April 25, 2011

God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater - Reading Log

Book: God Bless You, Mr Rosewater by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

This book did relate to my topic, which deals with American materialism.  However, it is not a normal story about someone becoming too obsessed with their own stuff or money.  It deals with someone else becoming greedy and lusting after anothers' fortune. It also deals with that person working from the inside of the corporation as a lawyer and digging up every bit of dirt he can in order to bring his CEO down and take control.  This did show a more darker side on the subject of materialism where greed and back-stabbing come in, rather than just straight up obsessing over objects.  I will admit to materialism myself, but not to this extent.

I would not recommend this book. Yes, it is an interesting story and relates to my topic of study, but the style of writing was not to my taste.  The book went off onto long tangents that explained one piece in major detail, then suddenly would jump back to the story.  It may just be Vonnegut's style, but I did not enjoy it and found it hard to stay interested and concentrate.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Thoughts... About Turning Research Papers into Stories

Sara M. wrote about how equality in schools is starting to go to far and trying to make everyone the same in the world.  This could easily be turned into a story with something like.... a new world ruler comes into power and forces everyone to look exactly the same and turns the world into a boring, gray place.

Or maybe Hannah H.  She wrote about how learning a second language is beneficial.  What about a story where America was invaded by all the other countries in the world, dividing the country into pieces and forcing hundreds of languages onto the people.  What would all the English-only-speaking Americans do?

And then Thomas G. wrote about keeping use of the Internet free and unrestricted. But if it continued to get worse and worse in a story, and eventually peoples' computers attacked and killed them because the cooperations had so much power, no one would be laughing.